Steven Curtis Chapman’s 5-year-old struck by car driven by her brother

Last night before going to bed I was reading the news on my treo and saw this story about the tragic death of the daughter of Steven Curtis Chapman. For those of my non-church friends I should explain who he is.
Steven Curtis Chapman is a Grammy-winning Christian music star who I grew up listening to. I still do to this day. I saw him in concert as a kid a few times, he performed during the 2000 Presbyterian New Years event in Indianapolis. Last summer I had the unique opportunity to speak to him for a few minutes after literally running into him while quickly making my way to my exhibit hall booth at the CBA book show in Atlanta. I was coming around the corner from one direction and he was coming around from the other with a guitar case in his hand. We ran directly into each other. I remember being so embarrassed and apologizing to this total stranger. Then I looked him in the eyes and went, "wait a second, your steven curtis chapman!". He replied in such a soft and calm tone, "yes sir, I am". I remember laughing telling him to please not call me sir. We then stood their for about 5 minutes chatting. His people that were walking with him very obviously wanted him to keep walking, but he just stood their talking to me. Asking me all sorts of questions about my work and what brought me to that event. He was so kind and genuinely curious about my story.
I think having that personal experience made last nights news even worse. His daughter Maria was struck and killed yesterday by a sport utility vehicle driven by her brother. She was hit in the driveway of the family’s home Wednesday afternoon by a Toyota Land Cruiser driven by her teenage brother who apparently did not see her. The reports I've read said that a few members of the family witnessed the accident.
For more information about this story visit the following
My thoughts and prayers are with the whole Chapman family and especially with their son.