Kentucky already gets enough taxes from me

I'm constantly amazed by how many parts of my life are taxed. Yes, I'm talking about taxes. I was going through my sprint bill and was just shocked by the $5.01 that I pay in taxes for my cell service. Yes, Yes, I understand the purpose of taxes. I could even understand paying some taxes for services such as this, but 5 bucks? I don't even understand what some of this stuff means. I think they just make it up. Non-telecom, Lifeline surcharge, non-id surcharge? Where do these tax dollars go?

Taxes, Surcharges & Fees

Government Taxes & Fees

Kentucky State Sales Tax - Services & Usage $1.42
Kentucky State Sales Tax - Non-telecom 0.60
Kentucky State Lifeline Surcharge 0.08
Kentucky State Wireless 911 0.70

Surcharges & Fees

Federal Usf Non-ld Surcharge 0.76
Kentucky State Access Surcharge 0.01
Kentucky State Gross Receipts Tax Surcharge 0.35
Kentucky State Special Fee 0.54
Federal Wireless Number Pooling And Portability 0.15
Federal E911 0.40
Total $5.01