Rob Thomas Concert featuring Anna Nalick
Last night Gina and I saw Rob Thomas at The Louisville Palace. Our friend Jon got us the tickets as an anniversary present. Rob put on a great show. I loved the staging which included these LED boards I believe that put on an amazing light show for us. Too much fun. This newer artist Anna Nalick opened for him. She was really good as well. I don't know much about her expect for her hit song Breathe which is on the radio all the time. Last night reminded me how much I love live music. Too much fun. We were surrounded by lots of screaming drunk girls in the balcony. That was a show in itself. We experienced a few screaming sessions. Some screaming was for Rob the rest was at each other. One of the girls kept on grabbing our friend Jons arm and trying to get him to dance with her. That was hilarious. When all is said and done it was a great show. I would definitely go and see Rob Thomas again.